Thursday, April 24, 2014

Leilani's Bucket List- A quick glance

Hey Chatters!

Below are just a few of the things that I have on my Bucket List! I think that bucket lists are an awesome way to create goals in life and they keep you on your toes. So when you are out and about and see something that you think looks awesome, and you want to try it out, then do it! If you can’t that day, then add it to your bucket list. By far the best tip I’ve seen out there so far on bucket lists has been “to keep your eyes open for opportunities and experiences!” So cheers to you Chatters and making memories!

Leilani’s Bucket List

  1. 1.     Learn to cook 10 awesome dishes (Because I don’t cook!)
  2. 2.     Travel to every continent in the world
  3. 3.     Leave a note in a book
  4. 4.     Finish an entire coloring book (cute)
  5. 5.     Write a book
  6. 6.     Have a library in my home
  7. 7.     Skydive and bungee jump
  8. 8.     Travel to every state in the U.S
  9. 9.     Flyboard (I just saw this)
  10. 10. Snowboard
  11. 11. Be a tourist in your own city
  12. 12. Get my master’s degree
  13. 13. Record the stories of my elders
  14. 14. Buy a plane ticket to somewhere random
  15. 15. See the Northern lights

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Keep your dirty laundry off social media

Hello Chatters! I'm sure we've all been guilty of it at some point venting a bit on social media?! I know in the heat of the moment it's so easy to say what you have to say and hit post and boom there it is for your "friends" to see. Of course your "friends" will respond some may have your back some may not just like if it were face to face right? But remember everything that is online remains online it is out there in cyberspace forever even if you hit the delete button it's still there somewhere. I read an article recently where 80% of candidates looking for a job do not get the job if they do not have a presence on social media. Can you believe that? You may be just as qualified as the next person but if your possible employer cannot find you on google they will not invite you in for an interview. So not only do you need to show up on google you need to show up in a positive light. So with that being said lets get into it.
TMI & Social Media!
Alright guys as you know from listening to the show I am a lady I am the type to follow the rules and I believe that you should follow proper etiquette. We do know that Social Media is a bit of a monster and a new one at that. So things can get a little out of hand at times. Your emotions are running high and you have your phone in hand instead of texting your best friend you send out a tweet and boom everyone can find what was on your mind. Not only did they see it on twitter they see it on Facebook because everyone knows you better link both accounts so you don't have to post something twice...duh!  The second you hit send you think "should I have done that?" Obviously no you shouldn't have but too late my friend what's done is done and you can't take it back because those that haven't seen it will hear about it and you better believe the one person you didn't want to know about your little rant will hear about it before the day is done! 

Back in the days of Myspace  used to post things in Italian so my boyfriend at the time wouldn't know what I was saying. Would I put him on blast in my little Italian rant not really but I would post some great proverbs so if he could figure it out he'd know it was all about us! I used to have a tracker on my page that would tell me who was viewing my page so after we broke up I saw all of the girls who wanted to lurk on my page and snoop to find out what was going on. I finally had to post that yeah I did have the tracker and I could see what they were doing and I'd like them to respect my privacy. It stopped them from snooping so much but not all together.

The thing is I wouldn't do and react the way I did before, back then Social Media was fairly new plus I was in my early 20's and acted on emotions. I wouldn't do that now, I have grown up a lot and have learned from my mistakes. I'm older and wiser now and have learned to think about the consequences of my actions obviously some of those things I had to learn the hard way and get into social media arguments but I learned real quick watch what you say because there are always people watching!